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​Funshine Expresss

The Luv-a-lot Daycare Program is a unique program that I have been using since October 2007!  Funshine express is a professionally designed monthly preschool curriculum that offers a variety of activities daily for ages 2 to 5.  As a childcare professional, I adapt ALL activities from this curriculum for children in my care (12 months & up).  Each month there will be a focus on creative arts, alphabet and language activities, music and movement, hands on math and science, social activities and games.

Each month there will be three educational themes in which activities will be based around.  Every month your child will be introduced to three alphabet letters, one colour, two to three numbers, and one shape.

The Funshine Express Program Goals:

  •     The curriculum is based on current research and sound educational theories of early childhood learning and development.
  •     There will be a wide range of hands-on, interactive materials allowing children to experiment and explore their surroundings.
  •     All activities and project suggestions will stimulate creativity and build a positive self image in each child
  •     The program will encourage involvement of family members in each child's learning.

For more information about this curriculum please visit their website at: .


JK/SK Program

For the 2013-2014 School Year we will be providing a Kindergarten program in the afternoon for all A.K. Wigg Students.  We will be exploring early reading, math, science, sensory, and so much more! Your child will be provided with a learning book each month that corresponds to the themes for the current month.

Daily Activities

WORD WALL: During circle time, all the kids gather around in the circle time area.  We start with our opening songs, and then move onto our "new words" or topic cards. 

CALENDAR TIME:  During circle time, we also put the "new day" on the the calendar. We review days of the week, numbers, and special holidays and events coming up!

LETTER OF THE WEEK: We review the letter of week each day during circle with a variety of methods: flash cards, rhymes, games etc... I encourage learning lower and uppercase letters, sign language, as well as the sound the letter makes!


NUMBER TREE, COLOUR PARADE, and UNLOCKING THE SHAPE!:  We place the numbers we are learning on our number tree, new colours on our "parade of colours" and the shape for the month on our "Lock".  We review these concepts daily. Some examples are colour hunts, clapping out numbers, and finding shapes!


**Circle time can last from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on the day and temperent of the children. I always have LOTS to do at circle time as you can tell, and whatever doesn't get done, I add it to the next day.  I always like circle time to be a positive learning experience that will leave the kids wanting more! After circle time, many of the kids like to "play circle time" where one child is the teacher, and the rest are "students". It is very cute and rewarding to see the kids LOVING LEARNING!


CREATIVE ARTS: There will be at least one craft done every day. Crafts will involve a variety of creative mediums including: painting, cutting, tearing, colouring, glueing etc...   Colouring is always offered!

EXTRA ACTIVITIES:  Every day there will be a least three extra activities planned.  We may get through all of them or just one! Some of the activity areas would be: dramatic play, math, science, sensory, cooking, fine motor, language, blocks.  Each activity is teacher directed, but often left open ended for the kids to explore and learn from!


MUSIC & MOVEMENT: Every day there will be MUSIC and MOVEMENT TIME. It is a chance for the kids to get active. This may be scavenger hunts, dancing games, tags and more!


FREE PLAY TIME:There will be lots of play time for the kids! A variety of toys, puzzles, books, are always available.


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